Podcasting 101: How To Start a Podcast From Scratch

Podcasting 101: How To Start a Podcast From Scratch

Learning how to start a podcast can be an exciting and fulfilling journey, allowing you to connect with your audience in a whole new way. But what if you don't know where to start? How do you get from the concept stage to a full-fledged podcast that others can enjoy and subscribe to?

Well, fear not! In this guide, I’m gonna provide you with a step-by-step process of how to get your podcast up and running in no time. This is the exact step-by-step process I used to create and launch a global trending podcast.

The Hustle Inspires Hustle Podcast with Alex Quin has guests like Andy Frisella, Grant Cardone, Chris Voss, David Meltzer, Neil Patel, Elena Cardone, and Randi Zuckerberg. Supporters & listeners in 95+ countries have allowed the brand to reach over 180 Million impressions since the launch. The podcast has been featured on Hypebeast, Forbes, Yahoo!, and Thrive Global.

If you're serious about taking your podcast dreams to the next level and launching a successful show, then this how to start a podcast guide is for you! Let's get started!

Before You Get Behind the Microphone

Before learning how to start a podcast, it is important to understand the basic concepts. A podcast is an audio program that can be downloaded or streamed over the internet(like an online radio), and it typically consists of episodes with topics related to a particular niche. Podcasts are great for entrepreneurs because they allow you to share your knowledge and expertise in a format that can reach thousands of people around the world.

Word of Advice: Your first episode is probably going to suck (ours did). Don't let that stop you from starting a podcast today.

how to create a podcast

How to a Start Podcast: The Planning Stage

Now that we have gotten the basics of podcasting out of the way let's get started on how to start a podcast: the planning stage. This is arguably the most important part of getting a podcast off the ground, and it involves several steps. Below, I have outlined each step of the planning process so you can get started on podcasting right away.

1. Identify Your Target Audience and Niche

The first step towards starting a podcast is to identify your niche. Your target audience refers to the group of people that you want to reach with your content. This could be anyone, ranging from entrepreneurs and business owners to fitness enthusiasts and sports fans. Selecting a target audience is crucial because it enables you to create relevant content that resonates with your listeners. It also provides valuable insights into how you can market and promote your show most effectively. By understanding the interests, challenges, and preferences of your target audience, you can tailor your content to meet their needs and stand out in a crowded podcasting space.

2. Choose A Topic

When starting a podcast, it is essential to choose a topic that interests you and is relevant to your target audience. Your audience's preferences should help determine the subject matter of your podcast. If there are already many podcasts on the same topic, narrowing down the angle or perspective can help differentiate your content from the competition. To generate ideas for your podcast, consider topics such as business, productivity, personal development, health and wellness, and marketing. These topics have broad appeal and can be tailored to fit your specific niche or area of expertise.

Additionally, research what kind of podcasts are popular in your industry or among your target audience to get an idea of what types of content are in demand. Ultimately, choosing a compelling and relevant topic that resonates with your target audience is crucial for building a loyal following and growing your podcast's reach.

Podcasters can use AnswerThePublic.com to research and gather ideas for podcast topics by typing in a keyword or phrase related to their podcast niche. The website then generates a list of questions and topics that people are searching for on search engines like Google, which can be used as inspiration for podcast episodes.

Podcast Show Topic Examples:

  • True Crime: Investigating unsolved cases, sharing real-life criminal stories, and discussing the criminal justice system.
  • News and Politics: Covering current events, political issues, and interviews with political figures and experts.
  • Business and Entrepreneurship: Providing insights into running a successful business, featuring interviews with entrepreneurs and industry experts.
  • Personal Development: Discussing strategies for personal growth, wellness, mindfulness, and self-care.
  • Comedy: Entertaining listeners with humor, satire, parody, and improv.
  • Pop Culture: Analyzing movies, TV shows, music, celebrities, and other cultural phenomena.
  • Sports: Providing analysis, commentary, and interviews on the latest sports news and games.
  • History: Examining significant historical events, figures, and movements with expert insights.
  • Science and Technology: Exploring scientific discoveries, advancements, and their implications for society.
  • Fiction: Sharing original fiction stories, audiobooks, or radio dramas with different genres and themes.
start a podcast

3. Determine Your Podcast Format

The podcast format is a critical aspect of any successful show, as it provides structure and enhances the accessibility of your content to your listeners. Without a clear format, the podcast may appear unorganized and challenging to follow, which can impact your audience's experience. Consistently sticking to a specific format can go a long way in creating a seamless experience for your listeners. There are different types of podcast formats available that you can choose from, depending on the content you want to produce.

Choosing the right format will depend on various factors such as the theme of your show, the type of guests you plan to bring on board or if it is just you on the show. Your format when starting a podcast can make or break your show's success. It is essential to experiment with different formats until you find one that works best for you and resonates with your audience. Once you have found the perfect format for your podcast, maintaining consistency with it will help build audience loyalty and enhance engagement levels.

Types of Show Formats:

  • Solo Shows: Solo shows are when one person hosts the podcast and talks about a single topic. They can be used to provide commentary, analysis, or advice on topics related to the podcast's niche.
  • Co-hosted: Co-hosted shows feature more than one person talking about related topics. This format can be used to create a lively discussion that is engaging for listeners.
  • Interviews: Interviews involve two or more people discussing a particular subject. The host typically asks questions, and the guest answers them. This type of format is great for getting insights and perspectives from experts in a particular field.
  • Roundtable Discussions: Roundtable discussions involve multiple hosts discussing various topics related to the podcast's niche. This type of format allows for more engaging conversations about complex issues, as well as a greater range of opinions.
  • Storytelling/Narrative Structures: Storytelling or narrative structures involve telling stories in order to illustrate a point or bring the audience on an emotional journey. This type of format is great for creating engaging content that resonates with your listeners.

4. Choose A Podcast Show Name

After determining your target audience, subject matter, and format for your podcast, selecting a distinctive name is the next step. Your podcast title should be catchy and easy to remember. Using wordplay or puns that align with the theme of your show can also make it more memorable for listeners. When considering the perfect name for your show, keep in mind that it should be relevant to your content and resonate with your intended audience. It should also be easy to pronounce and spell, so potential listeners can easily find it on search engines or podcasting directories. Additionally, using keywords in your title can help improve visibility on search engines and attract a larger audience.

Brainstorming ideas and conducting research on existing podcast titles within your niche can help you come up with a unique name that stands out from the crowd. It's essential to create a brand identity that reflects the tone and personality of your podcast while also being reflective of its content. Once you've settled on a name, consider registering it as a trademark to protect it from infringement by other podcasts or businesses.

How To Choose A Podcast Name

1. Brainstorm: Come up with several ideas that are related to your topic and target audience.

2. Research: Check if the name has already been used by another podcast.

3. Refine: Narrow down your list of potential titles until you find one that fits all of your criteria.

4. Test It Out: Share your podcasting name with friends and family to get their feedback.

5. Design Your Cover Art

The final step in the planning stage on his how to start a podcast gude is designing your show cover. Cover art is an essential part of any successful podcast. It's the first thing potential listeners will see when they search for your show, so it should be eye-catching and reflective of the content you provide. When designing your cover art, make sure to include relevant keywords in the title as well as a description of what your podcast is about.

You can create cover art yourself using graphic design software, or you can hire a freelance designer to do it for you. If you choose to go the DIY route, make sure to use high-quality images and layouts that will stand out in searches. You should also consider each platform requirements, how your cover art will look on different devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

Note: you can always outsource your cover design project to a professional if you’re finding it hard to create one.

podcast setup

Starting a Podcast: The Equipment Stage

Now it's time to talk tech, a very important step on how to start a podcast. Your podcasting setup is just as important as your content. You need the right podcast recording equipment and software to create a quality show that will sound good to your listeners. Some basic items you will need include a microphone, recording software, and a computer or smartphone.

1. Buying Your First Microphone

There are two types of microphones commonly used for podcasting: dynamic and condenser. Condenser microphones usually produce better audio quality, but they are more sensitive and not recommended for audio recording in noisy environments. On the other hand, dynamic microphones are less expensive, don't require external power, and are better suited for louder environments as they are less sensitive and won't pick up as much noise.

Recommended Microphones for Your Podcasting Set Up:

2. Choosing the Right Headphones

Headphones are an indispensable tool for monitoring recordings, ensuring that the sound quality is pristine and free of unwanted noise. Podcasting professionals often recommend using Audio-Technica ATH-M30x headphones due to their exceptional sound quality and comfort, all at an affordable price point. These headphones feature 40mm drivers that deliver crystal-clear audio with a frequency response range of 15Hz - 22kHz. They also come equipped with soft earpads and an adjustable headband to ensure maximum comfort during extended recording sessions. With their accurate sound reproduction and comfortable fit, the Audio-Technica ATH-M30x headphones are an excellent choice for any podcaster or recording artist looking to produce high-quality audio content.

editing a podcast

3. Recording and Editing Software

To record and edit audio content, you will need suitable software that can capture and edit your audio files before publishing them. There are numerous free options available like Audacity (for Mac and PC) or GarageBand (for Mac) that come packed with basic podcast editing features. However, if you desire more advanced features, investing in professional-level software like Adobe Audition or Pro Tools is recommended. These tools provide greater flexibility and a wider range of capabilities to fine-tune your audio content to perfection. Some of the advanced features include noise reduction, equalization, and reverb effects that can enhance the overall quality of your audio recordings.

4. Choosing Where to Upload (Anchor)

Hosting platforms allow you to upload your audio files and publish them to the web. Popular hosting platforms include Anchor, Libsyn, Simplecast, and Buzzsprout. These services offer features such as analytics and podcast directories so you can track listener numbers and reach a wider audience.

When looking for hosting platforms, there are a few things you should look out for. First, make sure that the platform is affordable and offers enough storage space for your show. You should also check to see if they offer any other features, such as podcasting directories or analytics tools. Finally, read reviews to find out what other podcasters are saying about the service before you make your decision.

Once you have your podcasting setup, it's time to move on to the next step.

recording a podcast

The Production Stage of Starting a Podcast

The production stage is the most time-intensive part of starting a podcast. This is when you record, edit, and assemble your episodes into a finished product.

Here are some podcasting tips to make this stage as smooth as possible:

1. Writing Your Intro and Outro

Now it's time to create your podcast jingle. Your show intro/outro can be you speaking to your audience, introducing your show to new listeners, and touch base on your podcast topic. You can also add a little razzle-dazzle and add royalty-free music as well.

You'll also want to have a script ready for when you record. A podcast script is a document that outlines the structure and content of each episode. It's best to create one before you start recording, as this will save you a lot of time during the editing process. When writing your script, make sure to include information such as:

  • Introduction
  • Topic Overview
  • Guest Interviews (if applicable)
  • Closing Remarks
  • Show Script Template

Here is a template you can use:

  • ‘’[Sponsor message]
  • [Opening music jingle and sound effects]
  • Intro: introduce your podcast by explaining its name, purpose, and identity while also including details that establish the theme of your episode.
  • Topic #1: Duration:( ___ )
  • 1. Main point
  • 2. Supporting point
  • 3. Supporting data
  • 4. Supporting quote
  • Sound effect
  • Topic #2: Duration:( ___ )
  • 1. Main point
  • 2. Supporting point
  • 3. Supporting data
  • 4. Supporting quote
  • [Sponsor Message]
  • Topic #3: Duration:( ___ )
  • 1. Main point
  • 2. Supporting point
  • 3. Supporting data
  • 4. Supporting quote
  • [Sound effect]
  • Conclusion: Summarize the main points from your episode, and include a call to action or leave listeners with something memorable that will make them want to come back for more.
  • Outro: thank your guests for participating, provide an opportunity for them to plug their own projects, and sign off with a positive note.’’
editing a podcast

2. Recording Audio

Setting up your workspace correctly is essential before you start recording any audio. This involves having the right equipment, such as a high-quality microphone, headphones, and recording/editing software. Additionally, it is necessary to create a comfortable and quiet environment that is free from background noises or echoes. If you're recording with guests, it's important to use programs like Skype or Zoom to ensure everyone is on the same page. After setting up your recording software, you can start recording your episode or segments of it. It's also recommended to add sound effects or music when appropriate to make the listening experience more enjoyable.

Before hitting record, take some time to review your script and make sure everything is in place. Ensure that you have all the necessary pieces of equipment and software ready for use. You should also practice speaking clearly and confidently before starting the actual recording process. Editing your audio files is just as important as recording them. Use editing software to remove unwanted parts of the audio file, add effects where necessary, and enhance the overall quality of the recording. Lastly, be sure to save and store your recordings in a safe place so that they can be accessed easily when needed.

3. Editing

The process of editing a podcast is crucial in transforming a raw recording into a polished final product. This involves removing any unwanted mistakes or rough patches in the audio, adding sound effects to enhance the listening experience, and seamlessly piecing together different sections of the episode. While editing can be time-consuming, it is essential in ensuring that your podcast is engaging and professional-sounding. Some of the key elements to focus on during the editing process include adjusting volume levels, removing background noise, cutting out any dead air or filler words, and adding music or other audio elements for emphasis. Additionally, paying attention to pacing and flow can help keep listeners engaged throughout the episode.

You'll also need to make sure that your audio levels are consistent and that any extraneous noises or background chatter is removed from the final product. Finally, you can add voice overs or transitional music as necessary to keep listeners interested and engaged.

4. Show Notes And Transcripts

Show notes are an important component of any podcast episode as they provide a brief summary of the show's title, date of publication, and topics discussed along with guest bios. Additionally, including links to any resources mentioned in the episode can be helpful for listeners who want to explore further.

Transcripts are written versions of your podcast that cater to people who prefer reading over listening. They are also beneficial for people with hearing impairments or those trying to learn a new language. However, creating transcripts can be time-consuming. To simplify the process, you can use apps like Rev, Temi, or Otter.ai. These apps can help transcribe your audio content efficiently and accurately. By providing show notes and transcripts alongside your podcast episodes, you can improve the accessibility and user experience of your content. This can help attract a wider audience and increase engagement with your brand.

How to Start a Podcast: The Marketing Stage

Finally, it's time to start your podcast marketing! Here are a few pointers:

1. Submitting Your RSS to Podcast Directories

After starting a podcast, it is essential to submit it to podcasting directories so that people can discover and listen to your show. Some of the most widely used directories are Apple Podcasts (iTunes), Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and TuneIn Radio. Typically, submitting your podcast involves generating an RSS feed for your show and then submitting it to the directory. To accomplish this, you'll require a hosting service such as Libsyn or Blubrry that can provide an RSS feed for your show. These hosting services make it simple to upload your episodes and generate an RSS feed that meets the requirements of different podcast directories.

Apart from the popular platforms mentioned above, there are several other directories where you can submit your podcast. Some of these include Pocket Casts, Podbean, Overcast, and iHeartRadio. By submitting your podcast to multiple directories, you increase the chances of reaching a broader audience and gaining new listeners. It is also crucial to optimize your podcast's metadata for better discoverability on search engines and directories. This includes crafting an engaging title and description that accurately represents your show's content and using relevant keywords in both fields. Additionally, ensure that your cover art is eye-catching and professional-looking as it plays a significant role in attracting potential listeners. By following these guidelines, you can successfully submit your podcast to various directories and increase its reach among potential listeners.

podcast show reviews

2. Social Media Promotion

Promoting your podcast on social media is a crucial step once it's live. To ensure maximum visibility, you should regularly post about upcoming episodes and topics, share snippets of the show, and engage with other podcasters in your niche. Social media advertising can also be leveraged to expand your reach. Platforms like Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Youtube Ads, and Twitter Ads allow you to target specific demographics with your ads.

Taking things a step further, creating a dedicated website for your podcast can act as a hub for all your new episode releases, shownotes, and videos. A podcast website provides an easily accessible platform for listeners to navigate through past episodes and catch up on any missed content. It also allows you to provide additional information about the show or host(s) and even integrate features like merchandising or fan engagement. In addition to leveraging social media and creating a website, it's important to keep track of your podcast's performance metrics. This will help you identify areas where you can improve or capitalize on strengths. Metrics such as downloads per episode, listener retention rates, and reviews/ratings can provide valuable insights into how well the podcast is resonating with its audience. By analyzing this data, you can make data-driven decisions that will help grow your audience and ultimately lead to greater success for your podcast.

3. Guesting On Other Podcasts

Appearing as a guest on other podcasts is an effective way to promote your show and increase its reach. It can help you gain more exposure and attract new listeners who might be interested in your content. To find potential podcasts, start by looking for shows that are related to your niche or topic. You can use search engines or podcasting directories to discover such shows.

Once you have found some relevant podcasts, introduce yourself to the host and express your interest in being a guest on their show. You can also share some of your ideas or topics that you would like to discuss during the episode. This can help build a relationship with the host and increase the chances of getting invited to be a guest. Being a guest on other podcasts not only helps you promote your own show but also allows you to network with other podcasters and gain valuable insights into the industry.

marketing a podcast

4. Paid Advertising

One effective way to promote your podcast is through paid advertising. This approach may include purchasing ad slots on other podcasts or running advertisements on social media or Google searches. While this method can be more costly than other forms of marketing, it can yield excellent results if executed correctly.

Before You Invest into Paid Ads

Before investing in any paid advertising, make sure to conduct thorough research to ensure that the investment is worth the money. Consider factors such as your target audience, budget, and goals when deciding which platforms and strategies to utilize for your paid advertising campaign. Additionally, it's important to track and analyze the performance of your ads regularly to optimize them for better results.

Using Analytics & Marketing to Grow Your Audience

This is the part where you get to watch your podcast grow, rack in downloads, and collect loyal podcast listeners. Whether this is just a hobby for you or even a side hustle, you can use these methods to grow your show:

1. Consistent Release Schedule

Consistency is key when it comes to growing your audience as a content creator. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by adhering to a consistent release schedule. Whether you're creating podcast episodes, blog posts or videos, releasing new content on a regular basis - be it weekly or monthly - can help keep your audience engaged and coming back for more. A regular release schedule not only gives listeners something to look forward to but also helps build anticipation and excitement around your brand. It also creates a sense of reliability and trust with your audience, letting them know that you are committed to providing them with valuable content on a consistent basis.

To ensure consistency in your release schedule, it's essential to plan ahead and create a content calendar for the upcoming weeks or months. This will help you stay organized and avoid last-minute rushes or delays in your releases. Additionally, promoting your upcoming releases on social media platforms can generate buzz and excitement among your followers, which can ultimately lead to increased engagement and growth in your audience size.

If you're wondering how to start a podcast without it taking too much of your time, you can hire a virtual assistant to help you stay on track with your release schedule. Or try using Descript, this platform can help podcasters by providing a user-friendly platform for editing and transcribing audio recordings. By using Descript, podcasters can easily edit out mistakes, create engaging content, and even generate transcripts for their listeners. With Descript, even beginners can get started on their podcasting journey.

podcast audience engagement

2. Audience Feedback And Engagement

Engagement is a critical element in expanding your audience. Requesting feedback on episodes, responding to comments, and sharing listeners' stories on your show can help create a sense of community around your podcast. This fosters a feeling of belongingness for your audience and makes them feel like they are part of something bigger.

Engaging with your audience also demonstrates that you value their opinions and insights, which can further deepen the connection with them. As you build this connection, your listeners are more likely to recommend your podcast to others, leading to more growth for your show.

3. Sponsorships And Monetization

Sponsorships and monetization are two other strategies that podcasters can employ to grow their audience. One popular method is to secure sponsorships from companies in the same or related niche to fund the show and attract more listeners. Another option is direct advertising, which involves promoting products or services directly to listeners through ad spots during the podcast.

Podcasters can also set up donation pages on platforms like Patreon, where fans can support their favorite shows by making regular contributions. These methods not only help generate revenue for the podcast but also increase engagement with listeners and build a loyal fan base. It's important to note that while sponsorships and monetization can be effective ways to grow your audience, it's essential to maintain authenticity and ensure that any advertising aligns with your brand values and resonates with your audience.


4. Collaboration With Other Podcasters

Collaborating with other podcasters is a fantastic way to expand your reach and grow your audience. It's worth reaching out to podcast hosts and creators in your niche to explore potential opportunities for collaboration. This could involve cross-promoting each other's podcasting shows, conducting interviews on each other's podcasts, or even co-hosting an event.

You might also consider starting a podcast network together, which can provide additional exposure and credibility within the industry. By working together, you can create valuable content that attracts new listeners while strengthening relationships within the podcasting community.

How to Create a Podcast Step-By-Step Guide Summary

So far, you have learned how to start a podcast from scratch. To sum it all up, here are the key steps to starting a successful podcast:

  1. Decide on a topic, format, and structure for your show.
  2. Choose the right hosting platform and podcasting equipment.
  3. Record and edit your episodes.
  4. Publish your show to major directories like Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
  5. Promote your show on social media and through guesting on other podcasts.
  6. Invest in paid advertising or sponsorships to reach a wider audience.
  7. Engage with listeners and collaborate with other podcasters to grow your show.
  8. Utilize monetization methods such as donations, sponsorships, and direct advertising.

By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to creating a popular podcast of your own! Best of luck and we can't wait to hear your first podcast episode.

Podcasting The Easy Way (Templates + Tools)

If you want to supercharge your podcasting journey, take it to the next level with the Hustle Inspires Hustle Podcast program. This program provides you with everything you need to create, launch and market your podcast in 30 days or less. You'll get hands-on support from our team of podcasting experts and access to our step-by-step podcast creation guide.

From setting up your podcast hosting and getting the best podcast equipment to creating great episode content to getting it out in the world, we'll be with you every step of the way. With the Hustle Inspires Hustle Podcast Program, you'll be able to create the perfect podcast for your goals in no time.

Ready to get started? Sign up today by emailing us at [email protected] with the message "podcast course", and let's make something amazing!

Elevate your entrepreneurial game with actionable advice and inspiring interviews from high-level entrepreneurs, business owners, and overall badasses in the game. Get more insight and inspiration on our blog posts, podcast episodes, or invite-only community.

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Make a Podcast

How Much Does It Cost To Start A Podcast?

The cost of starting a podcast can vary depending on the equipment and hosting platform (monthly fees ranging from $12-$20). You can start with basic equipment like a microphone and editing software, which could cost around $100-$200. So it's possible to start podcasting for under $500.

Do Podcasters Make Money?

Yes, podcasters can make money. You can earn money through sponsorships and advertising on your show as well as through donations or subscriptions. You can also monetize podcasting by creating and selling products related to the show.

How do I start a podcast for free?

You can start podcasting for free using existing platforms such as SoundCloud, Anchor, and Spreaker. However, these platforms are limited in what they offer and may require you to upgrade to a paid plan if you want certain features.

Can I Start A Podcast With No Audience?

Yes, you can start a podcast with no audience. It just takes some work in terms of promotion and marketing to get people to listen.

What Are The Minimum Requirements To Start A Podcast?

Looking on how to start a podcast? Well, the minimum requirements to start podcasting for beginners are a microphone, a podcast hosting platform, and some editing software.

Are Podcasts Worth Starting?

Yes, podcasts are worth starting. Podcasting is an ever-growing medium that allows you to reach a wide audience and build a solid brand. It's also an incredibly rewarding way to share your ideas and knowledge with the world.

How To Start A Podcast On Spotify?

Spotify is a great platform to host and distribute your podcast. Starting a podcast on this platform is simple and easy. Here is a quick step-by-step guide:

  1. Make sure that your podcast complies with Spotify's guidelines.
  2. Create a Spotify account and agree to the terms & conditions.
  3. Enter your RSS feed link.
  4. After entering your RSS feed link, you will need to verify you own the podcast.
  5. Enter details about your podcast. Once done, review and submit your podcast.

How Much Do Podcasters Make?

The earning potential of a podcaster is largely determined by the size of their audience and the methods they use to monetize their content. Successful podcasters can earn anywhere from $100,000 per year or more, depending on these factors.

A larger audience translates to more ad revenue and sponsorship opportunities, while diversifying monetization methods such as merchandise sales or paid subscriptions can further increase earnings. However, building a loyal following takes time and effort, and it's important for podcasters to consistently produce high-quality content that resonates with their listeners.

What If My Podcast Is Not Getting Any Listeners?

If your podcast is not getting any listeners, it’s likely that you are not marketing and promoting the show effectively. Make sure you are using all available tools to spread the word about your podcast, such as social media, email lists, and search engine optimization (SEO). And most importantly, don't give up on your podcast! With time, hard work and dedication, you can build an audience that loves your show.

How Do I Get My Podcast on Google Podcasts?

Getting your podcast on Google Podcasts is a great way to reach a wider audience. Here's how to do it:

  1. Create a Google account if you don't already have one.
  2. Go to the Google Podcasts manager dashboard and sign in with your Google account.
  3. Click the "Add a Podcast" button and enter the necessary details about your podcast.
  4. Verify ownership of your RSS feed by following the prompts.
  5. Once verified, your podcast will be available on Google Podcasts for listeners to discover and enjoy!

Which is better for podcasting audacity or GarageBand?

When it comes to podcasting, choosing between Audacity and GarageBand is a matter of personal preference. Both softwares can help you create professional-sounding podcasts. Audacity is free and available on multiple platforms, while GarageBand is only for Mac users and requires payment.

How to Start a Podcast on Youtube

Starting a podcast on YouTube is a great way to expand your reach and engage with viewers. Here's how to get started:

  1. Create a YouTube channel if you don't already have one.
  2. Choose a podcasting niche/topic and decide on the format (solo vs. guest interviews, etc.)
  3. Invest in good quality audio equipment, such as a microphone and soundproofing materials.
  4. Record your podcast episode using editing software like Audacity or GarageBand.
  5. Add visuals to your podcast by creating a custom thumbnail and incorporating video footage.
  6. Upload your podcast

Is a laptop or a desktop better for a podcast?

Both laptops and desktops can be used for podcasting, but a desktop may offer better performance and more customization options. Desktops tend to have more storage space and can support high-quality audio equipment. On the other hand, good-quality laptops offer portability and flexibility for recording on-the-go or different locations.

how to start a podcast

how to start a podcast


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Alex Quin

Entrepreneur. Podcaster. Go-Getter.

Alex Quin is a full-stack marketing expert and global keynote speaker. Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of UADV Marketing - a member of the Forbes Agency Council.

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