Episode Description

In this episode, Alex Quin chats with Fara Rosenzweig, Head of Content at ManyChat. Fara has over 15 years experience working in the media and communications industry. Along with that, she is also an Emmy-award recipient, producing, writing, and editing content for various outlets over the past several years. All while growing content marketing teams from the ground up to drive business growth. 

ManyChat helps small businesses grow by simplifying "the marketing stuff" for them. Every entrepreneur has a unique story to offer the world but they’re not always experts at the marketing stuff: launching campaigns, acquiring leads, or optimizing funnels. If you don’t do the marketing right it can break your business. ManyChat helps automate your business communication and marketing through personalised bots that will interact with customers in the tone and style that you decide.  It helps reduce response time to customers exponentially and can pick up on keywords across a variety of platforms to respond to consumers in the way they most prefer.

Wisdom Nuggets

  • Social Media Marketing: Over 89% of customers make purchasing decisions based through social media platforms and this will only continue to grow. As a small business, it is a non negotiable to not only be on social media, but also work on building a strong online presence to connect with consumers and be discovered. On Instagram alone, there are over a billion users and 400 million messages sent to small businesses everyday from customers. It is really important to build the conversation with your customers online in order to stay ahead of the curve.
  • ManyChat - The Marketing Gamechanger : ManyChat is a game changing communications and marketing tool designed to help small businesses automate communication to their customers online using a bot. The unique thing about ManyChat is that it can personalise responses to consumers, connect with people via the methods that they prefer and follow a communication style and tone that you get to decide on. ManyChat is really easy to use and is able to exponentially reduce the response rate to customer queries and have targeted responses based on keyword triggers.

Podcast Outline

[01:15] What's going on everyone 

[02:00] What ManyChat is and how it helps businesses

[05:20] The uses and benefits of using ManyChat

[12:36] Hey (break)

[13:30] The power of Instagram and how ManyChat works on it

[20:04] Messenger marketing can’t be ignored

[21:14] The game changer for staying ahead in social media marketing

[22:00] Helping businesses understand their customers behaviour and preferences

[24:10] Marketing education and content through ManyChat

[25:20] The intuitiveness and ease for people using ManyChat

Power Quotes

  • “There are over a billion users on Instagram. 89% of the users on make purchase decisions through Instagram” - Fara Rosenzweig 14:02
  • “400 million messages are sent daily to businesses on Instagram. ManyChat can automate these customer conversations and reduce response time by 99%.” - Fara Rosenzweig 14:50
  • “You are making your bot smarter the more you work on it.” Alex Quin 19:40
  • “When you understand consumer behavior and what causes them you take action, you will have an edge over the rest..” - Alex Quin 22:30
  • “ManyChat is a marketing technology that is easy to figure out.” - Fara Rosenzweig 25:30


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ManyChat Website

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Fara Rosenzweig’s Twitter

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Alex Quin

Entrepreneur. Podcaster. Go-Getter.

Alex Quin is a full-stack marketing expert and global keynote speaker. Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of UADV Marketing - a member of the Forbes Agency Council.

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