Artist Highlight: Razvan Vezeteu

Artist Highlight: Razvan Vezeteu

Everyone knows that an artist’s journey towards success isn’t always smooth sailing. However, artists can find success with their grit and determination, Razvan Vezeteu is familiar with this journey. He didn’t start out as an artist and intended to be on a different career path. He had a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Therapy and his dream was to become successful in this field. He wanted to get into the Master’s degree program but didn’t manage to do it.

Becoming an Artist

Razvan had to support himself in the city, so he started to hunt for a good job. Unfortunately, the modern job market is highly competitive and getting a good one isn’t easy. Razvan was forced to move back with his parents and start helping out with their business.

It was during this time that he stumbled across 99designs. It wasn’t easy to make it as a designer on this platform, but he succeeded in winning a challenge, which gave him the motivation needed to keep going. That eventually brought him to Dribble and put him on the journey of 365 challenges.

Style and Inspiration

Razvan has a very interesting style that immediately attracts attention. It is a mix of cute and freaky or twisted. He has a keen interest in morbid humor, which influences all of his artwork. It’s not surprising that one of his favorite cartoons and inspirations is Freakazoid. Razvan’s favorite artist is Lienke Raben. He describes her style as engrossing and alive.

Advice for Past Self

He doesn’t want to change much about his past. His only advice to his teenage self is to wear glasses and keep going. He wouldn’t have been where he is now without his past decisions.

His future goals are to keep developing as an artist and soaring in his field. He would like to work at Google or Microsoft at some point, but he is content with his career path right now.

If he could change one thing about the world, he would encourage people not to take things as seriously. People become outraged far too quickly.

Alex Quin

Entrepreneur. Podcaster. Go-Getter.

Alex Quin is a full-stack marketing expert and global keynote speaker. Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of UADV Marketing - a member of the Forbes Agency Council.

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